Meet the sponsors - id3as
Meet the Sponsors - id3as
Welcome to Meet the Sponsors, a section in which you will find the profiles of our sponsors. Here you will learn about them and why they decide to support this great community. Today we will get to know id3as. Enjoy it!

For over a decade, id3as has served as a technical consultancy building scalable, flexible, and highly reliable live streaming workflows for broadcasters and large enterprises including Nasdaq, DAZN, Stats Perform, Edgio, and Arqiva. In 2020, the company shifted its focus from consultancy to create Norsk, a low-code software development kit enabling customers to build such systems themselves using any gRPC-compliant language. The official launch of Norsk took place in May 2023.
Why Erlang
Their technical background primarily resided in the realm of financial services, utilizing C#. Previously, they had also gained experience in developing large-scale retail systems. However, as they entered the domain of media system development around 2010, the notion of “big” underwent a profound transformation. They went from a dozen servers driving an online bank to, at times, thousands of servers delivering live media across the globe.
They embarked on a search for technologies that could fulfill their requirements. Erlang emerged as an incredibly well-suited solution. This marked the starting point of their journey, and they strongly believe that Erlang represents best in breed for high availability and high scalability.
id3as is the company behind Norsk - a low code solution that allows users to build even the most complex of video workflows and deploy them at any scale. Remarkably, customers have reported replacing tens or even hundreds of thousands of lines of C++ code with a mere fraction of the code while still delivering the same functionality at the same or even better density and energy efficiency.
The Norsk stack is written in a combination of Purerl (PureScript that compiles to Erlang), straight Erlang, and Rust (the latter for the most performance critical sections of the code, or where explicit memory management is crucial). This strategic blend provides a massive competitive edge with the scalability and high availability that comes from Erlang and the BEAM, the ability to be “correct by construction” along with the fearless refactoring that PureScript affords, as well as the “bare metal speed with safety” that Rust can provide.
About sponsoring the foundation
id3as has recognized the important role of Erlang as a significant and consistent differentiator for the company, one of the reasons they became a founding sponsor of the Foundation, aiming to support the ecosystem and foster greater adoption of BEAM-related technologies. They firmly believe that this sponsorship indirectly contributes value to id3as.
Looking ahead, they would like to promote Purerl and the benefits of strong typing on the BEAM. They proudly shared that Purerl has been successfully used in production for many years now, comes with an entire supporting ecosystem (from PureScript) and offers very straightforward FFI into Erlang itself. They recall that the adoption from within the PureScript ecosystem is encouraging (it is the second most popular backend behind Javascript) and they would love to see members of the Erlang community benefit from it as well.
A little more about id3as
This company is headquartered in England, with their CEO Adrian Roe, CTO Steve Strong, and Chief Business Development Officer Dom Robinson all based in the country. The company’s team of developers is geographically distributed across various locations, including England, Scotland, Finland, and the United States.
Notably, id3as actively contributes to the growth of the PureScript and Purerl ecosystems. They have written and open sourced numerous libraries such as Stetson (type safe binding on top of Cowboy) and Pinto (strongly typed version of OTP constructs such as gen server and gen statem).
Furthermore, id3as is the proud founder of the Greening of Streaming initiative, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to prioritizing energy efficiency in their solutions.
For more information, take a look at their website.
Our Foundation Is Supported By The Funding Of Our Sponsors, And It Is What Allows Us To Carry Out Projects, Marketing Initiatives, Stipends Programs, And Accomplish The Goals That We Have Established As An Organization. So If You Are Interested In Becoming A Sponsor, Contact Us At Sponsorship@Erlef.Org. We Look Forward To Hearing From You!