Sponsorship Working Group

To approve and manage the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation Sponsors.

Mission Statement

Approve sponsors candidacy

Main Objectives

  • Approve sponsors according to the policy defined by the board and approved by the members…
  • Encourage foundation outreach to potential sponsors…

Benefits to the community

  • Ensure that the sponsors adhere to the Foundation Values.
  • Validate the sponsorship tiers
  • Provide sponsor information to the secretary for the billing and administrative tasks
  • Provide sponsor information to the marketing group for communication purposes

Short term deliverables

  • Approve Founder sponsors

Long term deliverables

  • Approve sponsors.
  • Maintain institutional memory of outreach to potential, current and historical sponsors.

Why does this group require the Foundation

Sponsorships help the Erlang Ecosystem worldwide by supporting sprints, meetups, community events and projects, and of course, software development and open source projects. All of these initiatives help improve the Erlang Ecosystem community and Erlang Ecosystem tools that are used daily. This work can’t be done without the generous financial support that sponsor organizations provide to the foundation.

Initial list of volunteers

  • Francesco Cesarini
  • Benoît Chesneau
  • Peer Stritzinger
  • Sebastian Strollo
  • Alistair Woodman
  • Miriam Pena

Current Working Group Chairs

  • Francesco Cesarini
Alistair Woodman
Alistair Woodman
Sebastian Strollo
Sebastian Strollo
Benoit Chesneau
Benoit Chesneau
Francesco Cesarini
Francesco Cesarini
Peer Stritzinger
Peer Stritzinger
View our calendar

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Recent posts
Meet the Sponsors - Erlang Solutions
Meet the Sponsors - NineFX
Meet the Sponsors - 84codes
Meet the Sponsors - DNSimple
Meet the Sponsors - Avassa
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Case study: EMQ's EMQX MQTT Platform
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Meet the Sponsors - Pharos Avantgard
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