The EEF participates in many events related to the BEAM Community.
This month we’ll continue with the BYO Topic format. If you have something you’d like to talk about, you can either message me in advance, or simply bring it up once we get started.
This meetup centers around the Elixir programming language and is for anyone interested in discussing Elixir and related topics. It takes a broad approach, welcoming discussion and talks on Elixir, Erlang, Phoenix Framework, as well as other community packages and projects.
Please let us know if you have an interest in presenting.
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Speaker: Anton Frolov
Talk: Memory debugging tools for Elixir Software Developer with more than ten years of experience in various areas, including Web, Telephony, Automotive, and Computer Vision. He is developing in Elixir at the moment, but other than that, he knows CI/CD, Kubernetes, and AWS, and he is also confident with C++, Erlang, and Python.
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Calling all NYC based Elixir developers, join us Wednesday, September 11 @ Microsoft Reactor in Times Square! Dinner will be provided as catering by Chipotle, courtesy of Please make sure to RSVP on Meetup with your real name, and be prepared to show a photo ID to building security for access.
Wednesday, September 11, 6pm Microsoft Reactor, Times Square (it’s in the Microsoft Offices) 11 Times Square 640 8th Ave, New York
Bring your laptop, see what people have been working on, and network with fellow Elixir developers at our hack night! Don’t have a project in Elixir? Don’t worry, come out and learn what people are doing with Elixir and get help starting with the language.
Have a project you would like to show everyone? Slots will be available for lightning talks during the meetup. Talks are strictly capped at 5 minutes, rehearsing your talk is strongly encouraged.
Schedule: 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Food and networking 7:00pm - 7:30pm - Lightning Talks 7:45pm - Meetup moves to the bar!
After Meetup Happy Hour: Gabby O’Haras 123 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018
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Details Host This BEAM Languages United meetup is hosted by Erlang Solutions with drinks and snacks sponsored by Meta.
Agenda 17:30-17:50 Registration 17:50-18:00 Intro 18:00-18:30 Talk 1: Exploring approaches to multiplayer games in Elixir 18:30-18:50 Break: Snacks and soft drinks 18:50-19:20 Talk 2: Erlang fault tolerance and the AWS cloud 19:20-19:50 Mingle and networking
Talk 1: Exploring Approaches to Multiplayer Games in Elixir - Brian Underwood I’ve long been interested in how to best design multiplayer games in Elixir. To explore this idea I first created a simple game based on the “set” card game which I developed with the help of user feedback. Then, to try attacking a more complex problem, I created a 2D spaceship game where players hunt for their opponents’ electric field signatures. In this talk I’ll discuss the process architectures I used, comparing and contrasting with different approaches including using the ECS (entity-component-system) pattern.
Talk 2: Erlang Fault Tolerance and the AWS Cloud - Thomas Arts Assume you carefully have crafted a distributed Erlang application consisting of several nodes that implements some fault tolerance. If some hardware fails, you know another Erlang node on different hardware will take care of this. Now you move to the cloud … and your hardware are virtual instances. If two instances happen to be on the same hardware or happen to share the same network card, you probably have again a single point of failure. That is less fault tolerant than you designed it for in the first place. We address cloud migration by means of a case study from the NHS. The NHS ran their nodes in 3 different data centres, in each data centre a large number of connected nodes; prepared to resist at least two hardware failures per data centre. But how to move that to a set of virtual nodes and keep some kind of guarantees?
Any allergies or special requirements? We plan to serve some snacks and soft drinks during the event. Let us know if you have any allergies or any other special requirements.
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Time to hang out, chat about Nerves, discuss projects you’re working on, and get help.
Would you like to give a presentation? Contact Alex with your topic to get on the schedule!
Download the Zoom client or browser extension before the event at:
The Nerves Project defines a new way to build embedded systems using Elixir.
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O Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft) é um evento realizado anualmente pela Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC) com o objetivo de promover e incentivar a troca de experiências entre pesquisadores e profissionais da indústria e academia sobre as mais recentes pesquisas, tendências e inovações práticas e teóricas sobre software. Realizado desde 2010 como evento agregador de simpósios brasileiros promovidos pela SBC na área de software, o CBSoft tornou-se um dos principais eventos da comunidade científica brasileira na área de Computação. Em 2024, a XV edição do CBSoft será realizada presencialmente, de 30 de setembro a 04 de outubro de 2024 em Curitiba, Paraná, integrando quatro eventos tradicionais realizados anualmente pela comunidade brasileira em Engenharia de Software: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, o principal evento de Engenharia de Software na América Latina; XXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação, que possui enfoque no estudo teórico e prático de linguagens de programação; XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software, que agrega tópicos como linhas de produto de software, desenvolvimento de software baseado em componentes, arquiteturas de software e reutilização; e IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Teste de Software Sistemático e Automatizado, que versa sobre questões relacionadas à sistematização e automação da atividade de teste de software. A programação do CBSoft incluirá sessões técnicas com apresentações de artigos científicos, palestras proferidas por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros de renome nacional e internacional, painéis de discussão, workshops, e demonstrações de ferramentas. Todas essas diversas atividades de interesse da comunidade de Engenharia de Software e de áreas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de sistemas de software direcionam-se para a difusão do conhecimento e discussão de questões importantes relacionadas à pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo.
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Join the major European event for Erlang and Elixir users Erlang and Elixir share the same Virtual Machine, the BEAM. This ingenious little bit of technology is perfect for fault-tolerant, resilient applications that scale to billions of users, which is one of the biggest challenges facing developers and companies today. Code BEAM has united Erlang & Elixir developers for years to grow and progress the community in the spirit of Share. Learn. Inspire.
Meet people and companies using and developing high performance, fault-tolerant and resilient applications that scale to billions of users in production in areas like Fintech, eCommerce, IoT, Gaming, Blockchain, Security, Machine Learning and more.
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Join us in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, on October 26, 2024, for a full day dedicated to the Elixir language and the Erlang ecosystem. Elixir Curitiba 2024 will bring together developers, enthusiasts, and experts from across the community to share knowledge, ideas, and innovation. Expect inspiring talks from industry leaders, opportunities to network with like-minded professionals, and a vibrant atmosphere celebrating the power of functional programming. The primary language of the event will be Portuguese, making it accessible to the local community. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just beginning your journey with Elixir, this event is the perfect opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of the Elixir movement in Brazil!
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Time to hang out, chat about Nerves, discuss projects you’re working on, and get help.
Would you like to give a presentation? Contact Alex with your topic to get on the schedule!
Download the Zoom client or browser extension before the event at:
The Nerves Project defines a new way to build embedded systems using Elixir.
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One day celebration of all things BEAM is coming to New York!
This event offers a unique opportunity to meet locally, learn from industry experts, and network with fellow Erlang and Elixir enthusiasts.
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The major North American event for Erlang and Elixir users. Two days filled with inspiring talks, networking, and all things BEAM.
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Europe’s largest Elixir Conference:
15-16 May 2025 | Kraków & Virtual
Every year, hundreds of developers with a passion for Elixir come together to learn about, share and inspire the progression of the Elixir ecosystem.
Our events frequently include members of the core teams of Elixir’s biggest frameworks and are a hub for the announcement of new features and developments. Whether you’re new to Elixir or a seasoned Elixir developer there is something for everyone at ElixirConf EU.
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The Conference for Erlang and Elixir Developers in Sweden Meet people and companies using and developing high performance, fault-tolerant and resilient applications that scale to billions of users in production in areas like Fintech, eCommerce, IoT, Gaming, Blockchain, Security, Machine Learning and more. Code BEAM Stockholm is in the home of Erlang and has a strong community of developers from the Nordics. Come and join us to learn from each other, share knowledge and be inspired all while growing your network of contacts.
More advanced developers will appreciate that our programme is packed with cutting-edge thought provoking talks. At Code BEAM Lite Stockholm we will uncover how BEAM languages are transforming areas like IoT, Fintech, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Security and more!
Developers of every level can expect to learn from each other, share knowledge all while growing our community reach in the Nordics.
Learn More →If you know about a related event that is not yet listed here or that you run on your own, contact us at